Many people are embarrassed by their snoring while their partners are exasperated. For many they can’t holiday with family and friends. Patients can be evaluated by a sleep doctor to assess why they snore or be assessed by one of our trained dentists. It is not all about carrying excess weight. It can be because of the anatomical shape of their pharynx, tongue and uvula, position of their lower jaw or possibly connected to their weight and the fatty tissue around their pharynx causing it to narrow.
While snoring many people stop breathing for a few seconds or longer when their tongue falls back against the uvula and pharynx and closes their airway. This is called obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and can have severe repercussions, if not treated, on their general health. It needs to be treated.
People have options:
1. To wear a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask and machine to keep their airways open, enable enough oxygen to be inhaled and stop their snoring. These are usually recommended by Respiratory Physicians.
30% of people have no issues using a CPAP machine.
70% of people can’t use a CPAP machine because they find:
2. To wear a Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS).
MAS are upper and lower acrylic plates that interlock to keep your lower jaw open and forward so your tongue can’t collapse against your pharynx. They are less intrusive and less expensive than a CPAP machine.
This option is well worth trying either BEFORE or AFTER you’ve tried CPAP.
We have 95% compliance with patients accepting wearing a MAS
For the 70% of people who cannot wear a CPAP machine it is currently the only other option to addressing your snoring and OSA.
OR you give up on addressing your snoring and compromise your general health.
Make an appointment with one of our trained dentists for assessment.
Night guards are a customised retainer made from thicker acrylic plastic that you wear while sleeping. Everyone clenches and grinds their teeth to some degree while they’re asleep. The splint protects your teeth by providing a thick barrier between your upper and lower teeth, absorbing the forces felt by your teeth and jaw when you clench or grind. By wearing a night guard you’ll protect your teeth, your dental work and relieve the stress on your jaw muscles.
If you play any form of contact sport mouthguards are a must to mitigate the risk of irreversible damage to your teeth, surrounding soft tissue, and tooth loss from sporting impacts. They protect your teeth from serious damage and come in a range of colours. Children may require new mouth guards more regularly as their adult teeth come through. Adults should replace their mouth guards at least every five years and even more regularly if they play high intensity sport.